Sunday, November 4, 2012

I have a turtle named Chameleon.

Yay! I'm not dead! I'm still alive and, I POSTED!!! Grandpa, you are welcome...

So, yeah... It's Sunday... and I'm fasting... and there's not a whole lot left to do. So, here you go. You get a little update on my life. Congrats.

First off, I'm a senior. What? What? Yeah. I'm officially a Family Sciences major with a minor in Management. I'll be done in December of 2013 and I CANNOT wait. Next semester, I've signed up for bogus classes. Like speed reading. Very beneficial. Completely unnecessary. So, I love it. I mean, I don't love it yet cos I haven't taken it. But I've heard that the homework you have is to do the reading from your other classes. Guess who's actually going to read the text book next semester?

Second off, I'm like, really hot, guys. Like, not temperature-wise, but skinny bod' wise. As of Wednesday, I've lost 21 pounds. I still have 29 more to lose but I've gone down a whole jean size, I had to take in ALL of my shirts, and I can almost do the splits. And, it's fine, but every boy totally stares at me and compliments me on how cute I look. I'm like, "yeah, I know. Thanks." And it's great. Also, I do my nails like all the time and I do arts and crafts projects like it's my job.

Um, side note: I'm taking a sewing class this semester. Love it, first off. Second off, I'm making a man's tailored shirt for Todd. Remember Todd? Please say yes, I don't want to have to explain it again. Anyways, we went to the store to pick out fabric and, the name Todd means fox. So, naturally, he chose fabric with foxes on it. And, literally, it sounds weird, but it's fantastic. I'm making the coolest shirt in the class. Everyone else is making striped shirts and plain shirts, and my plackets have fox eyes. It's the coolest thing ever. (BTW, plackets are the binding around sleeves at the bottom towards the cuff. The little part where there's a hole before the buttons start? That's a placket!)

Third off, caffeine free diet Pepsi is my new favorite drink. Combined with pretzel M&M's and you've found the way to my heart. It's that simple.

Fourth off. Speaking of way to my heart. Brady. Yeah, I know you wanna know so I'll just tell you. Things are fine. A little rocky since we're 700 miles apart, but they're good overall. He may or may not have come up to Provo a few weeks ago... and we may or may not have seen each other multiple times... and his extended family may or may completely love me... and we may or may not have hugged when we said good-bye... and we may or may not have kissed... and I may or may not be heading back to Bakersfield in 2 weeks to see him again... Take your pick. May? Or may not?

Fifth off, Halloween. Okay, so my Halloween this year was kinda lame. I did do the best zombie makeup known to mankind but, after that, I had to study for an Econ test. Boo. (Not like the ghost says, "Boo," but like booing someone off a stage. That's me to Econ.) No scary movie. No costume. No trick or treating. Just me, sitting on the couch. I did have some candy corn, though. It may or may not have been almost a whole bag to myself... You know... It happens... Aw, crap. This must be what it feels like to get old!! Getting ready for the rest of my life.

Everyone: Night 1

Andrea: Night 2
Tyler: Night 2

All: Night 2

Sixth off, I'm living in a new apartment. This is the first time in a whole year that I haven't had to sleep on the top bunk. Literally, I never realized how nice it is to not be out of breath when I sit on my bed. It is so much effort to try and get up on top of a bunk bed! It's like running a mile after pulling yourself up... I don't know... maybe 2 rungs on the ladder? Kinda pathetic but at least I'm a true American, right?

Seventh off, I'm listening to Christmas music right now. It's fine.

Eighth off... Yeah, I can't think of anything else. Of course, there's like tons of stuff to say but it's all just random blabbering... And, let's be real, there's enough of that on the world wide web. So, I'll spare you guys.

Hope everything is going well and that you all get lots of free stuff this week. That's always a nice thing to wish for someone else, right? :) Love ya!

Oh! P.S. I love this...

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